Matthew Flaschen
2018-01-19 00:27:55 UTC
At the Dev Summit, Birgit Müller and I will run a session on Growing the
MediaWiki Technical Community. If you're attending, we hope you will
consider joining us.
Everyone (attending the Dev Summit or not) is welcome and encouraged to
participate at (please comment
there, rather than by email).
We are discussing the following questions:
* What would allow you to develop and plan your software more efficiently?
* What would make software development more fun for you?
* What other Open Source communities do we share interests with?
* How can we change our processes to take technical debt more seriously?
"Develop" means any kind of work on a software system, including design,
documentation, etc.
Our topics are:
* Better processes and project management practices, integrating all
developers and allowing them to work more efficiently
* Building partnerships with other Open Source communities on shared
interests (e.g. translation, audio, video)
* Reducing technical debt
Matt Flaschen
MediaWiki Technical Community. If you're attending, we hope you will
consider joining us.
Everyone (attending the Dev Summit or not) is welcome and encouraged to
participate at (please comment
there, rather than by email).
We are discussing the following questions:
* What would allow you to develop and plan your software more efficiently?
* What would make software development more fun for you?
* What other Open Source communities do we share interests with?
* How can we change our processes to take technical debt more seriously?
"Develop" means any kind of work on a software system, including design,
documentation, etc.
Our topics are:
* Better processes and project management practices, integrating all
developers and allowing them to work more efficiently
* Building partnerships with other Open Source communities on shared
interests (e.g. translation, audio, video)
* Reducing technical debt
Matt Flaschen