Derk-Jan Hartman
2014-05-14 11:21:39 UTC
I just love this Google I/O 2013 talk on human perception and
cognition, and its implications for interactive and visual design. It
is accessible, but with a lot of information and applies very well to
us I think.
I'm sure that many designers know all about this and some have
probably seen the clip before, but it is also very good for
developers, because many of these things we know subconsciously, but
it's not really part of our vocabulary.
cognition, and its implications for interactive and visual design. It
is accessible, but with a lot of information and applies very well to
us I think.
I'm sure that many designers know all about this and some have
probably seen the clip before, but it is also very good for
developers, because many of these things we know subconsciously, but
it's not really part of our vocabulary.