[Design] "Why The Pull-To-Refresh Gesture Must Die"
Kaartic Sivaraam
2017-07-24 14:25:22 UTC
Hello all,

I thought the article found in the below link would be of interest to

Anne Gomez
2017-07-24 19:03:04 UTC
Interesting! Thanks for sharing, Kaartic.

My initial reaction to the headline was captured in 1 sentence in this: "It
also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."

I hope that as designers are pursuing new workflows for refreshing
(including auto-refresh) they keep this in mind.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Kaartic Sivaraam <
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
Hello all,
I thought the article found in the below link would be of interest to
Design mailing list
*Anne Gomez* // Senior Program Manager, New Readers

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Kaartic Sivaraam
2017-07-25 13:52:47 UTC
Post by Anne Gomez
Interesting! Thanks for sharing, Kaartic.
You're welcome.
Post by Anne Gomez
My initial reaction to the headline was captured in 1 sentence in this: "It
also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."
That's a valid point. As it's the case most of the times, these kind of
decisions depend on the end-users of the design.
Kaartic Sivaraam
2017-07-25 13:56:08 UTC
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
Post by Anne Gomez
My initial reaction to the headline was captured in 1 sentence in this: "It
also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."
That's a valid point.
Just to be sure I understood you correctly, you were referring to
"Pull-to refresh" when you mentioned "It" in the following sentence,
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
"It also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anne Gomez
2017-07-25 14:26:25 UTC
Yes, from the article. The article suggests a move to auto-refresh
automatically rather than manual refresh (among other ideas).
Pull-to-refresh allows the user to decide when to download new content,
giving them control over data usage. For example they might only decide to
"pull" when on a wifi network rather than spend MBs on their data plan. As
designers reconsider this interaction, I hope that they don't eliminate
this option for those people.
On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 8:55 AM Kaartic Sivaraam <
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
Post by Anne Gomez
My initial reaction to the headline was captured in 1 sentence in
this: "It
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
Post by Anne Gomez
also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."
That's a valid point.
Just to be sure I understood you correctly, you were referring to
"Pull-to refresh" when you mentioned "It" in the following sentence,
Post by Kaartic Sivaraam
"It also saves on bandwidth for data-conscious customers."
Correct me if I'm wrong.
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