Yeah, I was under the mistaken assumption that this is meant to be used in
MediaWiki code, in production, and not as a mockup tool. ...
It seems that the goal was to bring Bootstrap as close to OOjs UI
MediaWiki theme as possible,
I'm still confused. Comparing with :
* The colors are different. button-type="primary" is a different blue
#165C91 than OOjs UI and MediaWiki.ui's #347BFF
* The semantics are different. In wikimedia-ui, button-type="primary" makes
it blue, but in OOjs UI/MediaWiki UI, "primary" isn't a color, it's the
indicator that this is the one button that gets a colored background. I
don't see a way in wikimedia-ui to produce a colored non-primary button.
* The icons are different. No Alert, Clear, Help, Settings,
OngoingConversation, etc. Even matching icons have different names:
magnifying-glass vs. search.
* Buttons that aren't bold is quite a change.
So wikimedia-ui lets you mock up something rich and complex, but the simple
things in it are different than what OOjs UI and MediaWiki UI produce. May,
are these differences intentional? Can this library pull in some MediaWiki
CSS with a load.php call for some basic consistency?
1. ...
2. The kinds of controls that can be expressed in plain HTML/CSS is a
fraction of what can be expressed using OOjs UI or any other
JavaScript-based approach. Even simple things, like designing a type-ahead
feature, can't be done using HTML/CSS alone.
This leads me to feel strongly that this while it might be cool for the
production library (OOjs UI) to be used in some way to make the designer's
work easier, it's not required ...
Sure, but how cool would it be if OOjs UI were expressible as
WebComponent-ish things. view-source:
is somehow turning tags like <wikicard> into HTML elements, so its <button>
could write out the divs and spans of OOjs UI elements (or at least the
basic "mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive" classes of MediaWiki UI). If you
look at the source of Andrew Garrett/Prateek Saxena's LSG [1], you see it's
full of, e.g.
<ooui-demo type="button">
"label" : "Normal Button",
"flags": ["constructive", "primary"],
and the <ooui-demo> parser tag turns that into an actual live OOjs UI
button [2]. I don't know if any next-gen HTML <buzzword> library works like
that. It's challenging, but HTML mockups don't have to be so divorced from
the real OOjs UI.
[2] I just noticed MatmaRex is working on "Create parser tag(s) that render
OOUI PHP widgets" \o/ ! Whatever syntax that uses probably will be a better
example of representing OOjs UI.
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