Quim Gil
2017-04-07 22:44:32 UTC
Following the process described in the Code of Conduct for Wikimedia
technical spaces <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct>, the
Wikimedia Foundationâs Technical Collaboration team has selected five
candidates to form the first Code of Conduct Committee and five candidates
to become auxiliary members.
Here you have their names in alphabetical order. For details about each
candidate, please check
Committee member candidates:
Amir Sarabadani (Ladsgroup)
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee (Frimelle)
Nuria Ruiz (NRuiz-WMF)
Sébastien Santoro (Dereckson)
Tony Thomas (01tonythomas)
Auxiliary member candidates:
Ariel Glenn (ArielGlenn)
Caroline Becker (Léna)
Florian Schmidt (Florianschmidtwelzow)
This list of candidates is subject to a community review period of two
weeks starting today. If no major objections are presented about any
candidate, they will be appointed in six weeks.
You can provide feedback on these candidates, via private email to
***@wikimedia.org. This feedback will be received by
the Community
group handling this process, and will be treated with confidentiality.
We want to thank all the people who has considered the possibility to
support the Code of Conduct with their participation in this Committee. 77
persons have been contacted during the selection process, counting
self-nominations and recommendations. From these, 21 made it to a short
list of candidates confirmed and (according to our estimation) a potential
good fit for the Committee. Selecting the five candidates for the Committee
has been hard, as we have tried to form a diverse group that could work
together effectively in the consolidation of the Code of Conduct. Selecting
the five auxiliary members has been even harder, and we know that we have
left out candidates who could have contributed just as much. Being the
first people assuming these roles, we have tended a bit towards more
technical profiles with good knowledge of our technical spaces. We believe
that future renewals will offer better chances to other profiles (not so
technical and/or not so Wikimedia veteran), adding a higher diversity and
variety of perspectives to the mix.
technical spaces <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct>, the
Wikimedia Foundationâs Technical Collaboration team has selected five
candidates to form the first Code of Conduct Committee and five candidates
to become auxiliary members.
Here you have their names in alphabetical order. For details about each
candidate, please check
Committee member candidates:
Amir Sarabadani (Ladsgroup)
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee (Frimelle)
Nuria Ruiz (NRuiz-WMF)
Sébastien Santoro (Dereckson)
Tony Thomas (01tonythomas)
Auxiliary member candidates:
Ariel Glenn (ArielGlenn)
Caroline Becker (Léna)
Florian Schmidt (Florianschmidtwelzow)
This list of candidates is subject to a community review period of two
weeks starting today. If no major objections are presented about any
candidate, they will be appointed in six weeks.
You can provide feedback on these candidates, via private email to
***@wikimedia.org. This feedback will be received by
the Community
group handling this process, and will be treated with confidentiality.
We want to thank all the people who has considered the possibility to
support the Code of Conduct with their participation in this Committee. 77
persons have been contacted during the selection process, counting
self-nominations and recommendations. From these, 21 made it to a short
list of candidates confirmed and (according to our estimation) a potential
good fit for the Committee. Selecting the five candidates for the Committee
has been hard, as we have tried to form a diverse group that could work
together effectively in the consolidation of the Code of Conduct. Selecting
the five auxiliary members has been even harder, and we know that we have
left out candidates who could have contributed just as much. Being the
first people assuming these roles, we have tended a bit towards more
technical profiles with good knowledge of our technical spaces. We believe
that future renewals will offer better chances to other profiles (not so
technical and/or not so Wikimedia veteran), adding a higher diversity and
variety of perspectives to the mix.
Dear Wikimedia technical community members,
The review of the Code of Conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces has been
completed and now it is time to bootstrap its first committee. The
Technical Collaboration team is looking for five candidates to form the
Committee plus five additional auxiliary members. One of them could be you
or someone you know!
You can propose yourself as a candidate and you can recommend others
*privately* at
techconductcandidates AT wikimedia DOT org
We want to form a very diverse list of candidates reflecting the variety
of people, activities, and spaces in the Wikimedia technical community. We
are also open to other candidates with experience in the field. Diversity
in the Committee is also a way to promote fairness and independence in
their decisions. This means that no matter who you are, where you come
from, what you work on, or for how long, you are a potential good member of
this Committee.
The main requirements to join the Committee are a will to foster an open
and welcoming community and a commitment to making participation in
Wikimedia technical projects a respectful and harassment-free experience
for everyone. The committee will handle reports of unacceptable behavior,
will analyze the cases, and will resolve on them according to the Code of
Conduct. The Committee will also handle proposals to amend the Code of
Conduct for the purpose of increasing its efficiency. The term of this
first Committee will be one year.
Once we have a list of 5 + 5 candidates, we will announce it here for
review. You can learn more about the Committee and its selection process at
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct/Committee and you can ask
questions in the related Talk page (preferred) or here.
You can also track the progress of this bootstrapping process at
PS: We have many technical spaces and reaching to all people potentially
interested is hard! Please help spreading this call.
Quim Gil
The review of the Code of Conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces has been
completed and now it is time to bootstrap its first committee. The
Technical Collaboration team is looking for five candidates to form the
Committee plus five additional auxiliary members. One of them could be you
or someone you know!
You can propose yourself as a candidate and you can recommend others
*privately* at
techconductcandidates AT wikimedia DOT org
We want to form a very diverse list of candidates reflecting the variety
of people, activities, and spaces in the Wikimedia technical community. We
are also open to other candidates with experience in the field. Diversity
in the Committee is also a way to promote fairness and independence in
their decisions. This means that no matter who you are, where you come
from, what you work on, or for how long, you are a potential good member of
this Committee.
The main requirements to join the Committee are a will to foster an open
and welcoming community and a commitment to making participation in
Wikimedia technical projects a respectful and harassment-free experience
for everyone. The committee will handle reports of unacceptable behavior,
will analyze the cases, and will resolve on them according to the Code of
Conduct. The Committee will also handle proposals to amend the Code of
Conduct for the purpose of increasing its efficiency. The term of this
first Committee will be one year.
Once we have a list of 5 + 5 candidates, we will announce it here for
review. You can learn more about the Committee and its selection process at
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct/Committee and you can ask
questions in the related Talk page (preferred) or here.
You can also track the progress of this bootstrapping process at
PS: We have many technical spaces and reaching to all people potentially
interested is hard! Please help spreading this call.
Quim Gil
Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
Quim Gil
Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation